How to provide acce...

[Sticky] How to provide access data to your site?  


Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 6
08/06/2016 9:29 am  

There are four different ways to provide us with the access data needed to allow our specialists to start work on your site. For example, if you are going to convert from S (source cms/forum) to T (target/destination cms/forum), you should provide access data in accordance with one of these methods: 

Method #1:

  1. S Database access: URL, Username and Password for the phpMyAdmin (database manage)
  2. T Database access: URL, Username and Password for the phpMyAdmin (database manage)
  3. T Administrator Login and Password
  4. [optional] S and T FTP: hostname, username and password. (If you need to transfer file attachments)


Method #2:

  1. S Database dump (backup) file (compressed as zip, gzip)
  2. T Database access: URL, Username and Password for the phpMyAdmin (database manage)
  3. T Administrator Login and Password
  4. [optional] S and T FTP: hostname, username and password. (If you need to transfer file attachments)


Method #3:

  1. S and T cPanel URL, Username and Password
  2. T Administrator Login and Password


Method #4:

  1. S Database dump (backup) file (compressed as zip, gzip)
  2. We can convert S database without any access data and send you a converted T database (this is not recommended unless you are a web developer or webmaster and can import and manage database tables).
